Hello everyone!

My name is Irina. I moved to Utah from Ukraine in 2008. In Ukraine, I worked as a school teacher; in Utah I became a university instructor. I worked in different cities with students of different ages and taught in two languages: Russian and English.
I came to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter for me what I teach, where I teach or who I teach. I just love my job and I enjoy working with my students. I teach them and I learn from them. I am an educator and a learner. I am passionate about the teaching profession and my curiosity doesn’t have boundaries. I constantly seek out opportunities to grow as a professional.
I have a lot of hobbies and interests. Photography is one of them. I am excited to learn the basics of design and photography in order to develop skills for creating online courses and to improve my own artwork.



My Hobbies

Cake decorating

One of my hobbies is Cake Decorating. I took The Wilton Method of Cake Decorating Classes. But I continue exploring new techniques and keep experimenting with sweet ingredients. 

sewing, Embroidery, beading

I love embroidery and beading. I created  costumes for belly dances. It takes a lot of time and efforts but I really enjoy it!


I love traveling! I always have my camera with me. I have been to many places in the USA and several cities in Europe.